10 Mind Tricks That Exceptionally Likeable People Are Good At

1. Maintain eye contact for 60% of the conversation Eye contact can either make or break a conversation, and you should be aiming to maintain eye contact for roughly 60% of the conversation if you want to come across as extra-likeable. Making less eye contact than this can make you make you seem disinterested and bored, but any more and you can come across as aggressive or strange. Keeping eye contact for 60% of the conversation will make you seem genuinely interested and friendly....

January 25, 2023 · 3 min · 637 words · Robert Skursky

10 Must Watch Inspirational Youtube Videos

#1 Get Back Up, Nick Vujicic Nick is by far the most motivational and inspirational person. Nick, born with no limbs, shows us how to find something few people ever find in their entire life. #2 Failure is not falling down, but failing to get up after falling Falling doesn’t mean failure. When you don’t give up, you can never fail! Derek Redmond shows what going through the pain barrier to complete an Olympic race is really like....

January 25, 2023 · 2 min · 382 words · Todd Mills

10 Of The Most Hated Types Of Employees

1. The ones who always miss the deadline He or she may be the one who tells you quite calmly that she has forgotten all about that task and it has not even been done yet. When this is combined with a ‘no big deal’ attitude, then this is even more irritating. Whether you are a fellow team member or a manager, this can be infuriating – especially if it becomes an ingrained habit....

January 25, 2023 · 6 min · 1097 words · Janice Hogan

10 Protein Rich Breakfast Recipes To Help You Build Lean Muscle Mass Without Eating Meat

Protein-rich breakfasts also help fuel your metabolism without causing a negative impact on blood sugar levels if you choose a lean source of protein. So, if you’re a meatless eater or looking to eat a little less meat, skip the bacon and sausage, but don’t fret—there are plenty of incredibly tasty, protein-rich breakfast recipes you can make to help you build lean muscle mass. Here are 10 healthy options plus a few more tips to maximize the rest of your day too!...

January 25, 2023 · 5 min · 1041 words · Pauline Hampton

10 Questions To Ask Yourself Everyday

1. Am I a little better than yesterday? You know you are progressing if you are a little better today that who you were yesterday. Instead of comparing yourself with others and falling prey to envy, jealousy and despair, try to become a little better every day. 2. Have I built my character? “When wealth is lost, nothing is lost; when health is lost, something is lost; when character is lost, all is lost....

January 25, 2023 · 3 min · 611 words · Judy Winters

10 Reasons To Date A Strong Woman

1. She is proud of who she is, but won’t be easily offended Because a strong woman has a high self-esteem, she isn’t likely to take things personally. She knows who she is and where she stands, so she will be able to view comments directed at her from a powerful perspective. Don’t think this means she’ll stand for being insulted. She’ll be quick to let you know when you’ve mislabeled her....

January 25, 2023 · 4 min · 673 words · David Reynolds

10 Reasons To Take Up Cycling Now

Cycling is the answer, of course, and it beats running because you save your joints from all that pounding on the tarmac. Cycling has got some prestigious sponsors too. It needs them because only 0.5% of US citizens cycle to work compared to 2% in the UK and 27% in the Netherlands. It’s time to make a change. Just think, all the following organizations are recommending that you take up cycling now:...

January 25, 2023 · 5 min · 871 words · Erin Gutierrez

10 Reasons Why People Who Like Drawing Are More Likely To Be Successful

We are presenting 10 beneficial factors that indicate why people who like drawing are more likely to be successful. 1. They have active brain cells Now when I say drawing is intelligent, I literally mean intelligent. It is not only an art that certain talented people, named artists, do, but studies have found the impact drawing has in one’s brain. The right hemisphere of our brain is responsible for creativity and imagination....

January 25, 2023 · 4 min · 828 words · Gerald Marceau

10 Relationship Myths Worth Sharing

1. “The romance will never fade if we are truly in love.” Falling in love is new and exciting. Chemicals associated with pleasure (like dopamine) are running rampant in our brains. As time goes on however, these chemicals fade. We become more comfortable with our partner and the newness wears off. Does this mean you should call it quits? Not necessarily. There comes a time in every long-term relationship when it can no longer run on the new “in love” head-over-heels feelings....

January 25, 2023 · 4 min · 839 words · Chad Warmbier

10 Signs You Are Enjoying Your Work

Say you need to sleep eight hours a night (you really should be). That means out of your available time, you’re spending about 63% of it at work, for a large chunk of your life. If you’re going to spend that much time on something, you better make sure you’re enjoying what you’re doing. You only have one shot at life. How can you tell? Here are some key signs that you enjoy your work:...

January 25, 2023 · 5 min · 936 words · Ivy Mcbath

10 Simple Ways To Become A Morning Person

Standardize Your Sleep The first step in becoming a morning person is having a set time for waking up and going to bed. The reason we find that we want to sleep in on weekends is so we can catch up on sleep. However, if your sleep is standardized for seven to eight hours, catching up on sleep wouldn’t be necessary. Even on your days off, if you wake up at your designated time, get your morning errands out of the way, and go for a nap in the mid-early afternoon, you’ll still be productive while treating yourself for the weekend....

January 25, 2023 · 7 min · 1439 words · Carl Preston

10 Skills We Ve Lost Due To Smart Phones And Pdas And Simple Ways To Get Those Skills Back

2. Map reading skills The convenience and effectiveness of GPS guidance systems and digital maps generated by search engines is undeniable. They’ve definitely made our lives easier. What we don’t get from using these devices and applications are the increased ability to understand spatial orientation, representative symbolism, and navigation. To renew or acquire those skills, try using physical maps to plan your next trek. Whether it’s a long or short trip, take time to stop and safely chart your progress....

January 25, 2023 · 4 min · 702 words · Robert Hand

10 Successful Entrepreneurs Stories About Getting Through Tough Times

So, to help keep you in check, here are 10 successful entrepreneurs stories which are also some intense challenges that all businesses face. You will also find expert advice from professionals concerning how they they deal with these challenges. 1. Jeff Brodsly: Working Through Tight Finances How do you keep yourself and your business engaged when you don’t have sufficient funds to continue operating? Finances are the engine which drives your business, and a lack of sufficient funds is especially dire when you have an innovation or a means to, and you have just so many developments that need to be made before your product can launch....

January 25, 2023 · 6 min · 1250 words · James Rice

10 Things Morning People Do That Make Them Different

1. They are happier. Morning people are happier because they are more adjusted to the typical schedule. Night owls are possibly crankier because they stay up later, then still have to get up early to work a 9–5 job. Morning people, on the other hand, are ready to face the day by the time their office job has to start. Another possible cause for their sunnier dispositions is literally the sun—exposure to natural light has been shown to make people happier and improve moods....

January 25, 2023 · 4 min · 670 words · Thomas Decaro

10 Things Most Successful People Do At Night Before Sleep

What about successful people? What do they do at night before they sleep? Here are 10 things they do… 1. Wrap up the day Decide that the day has ended and you will go into another phase of the day. If you work until 6 pm, make sure that you get your work done and end your day so you can focus on another part of your life. Life is short, you want to do as much as possible....

January 25, 2023 · 6 min · 1144 words · David Varner

10 Things That Every Young Person Should Do To Make The Most Out Of Life

1. Prioritize learning. Learn the 10,000 hour rule. Start early. Read a lot. 2-3 hours a day, at least. 2. Don’t talk about doing stuff. Do stuff. The world is full of so many talkers, and so few doers. Too much planning is as bad as no planning. “Posting about your plans is shadow of Done“ Make stuff while your brain is young and fresh. The brain gets slower as you age....

January 25, 2023 · 3 min · 462 words · Judith Metz

10 Things That People Love About You

What are 10 things that people love about you? We are pretty sure the following make it on to the list: 1. Your Courage Think of all the hardships you’ve been through. How else do you think you got through the tough times? It certainly wasn’t because you got scared and buried your head in the sand. And yes, it certainly wasn’t fun to, say, go through unemployment or even a family loss, but think of how others looked up to you when you braved the stormy seas....

January 25, 2023 · 4 min · 689 words · Amiee Johnson

10 Things You Can Do To Improve Your Anxiety In Social Situations

Everyone’s been there at some point—in a tense, uncomfortable, or unfamiliar social arrangement, forced to make small talk with people whom we share no common ground with. Maybe you’re the odd one out, the pacifist among soldiers, the chicken farmer among vegans, or simply a social fledgling trying to “fit in.” Maybe you’re an introvert who avoids parties, or a person who needs a few cocktails to deal with the uneasy feelings that come from being out of your comfort zone....

January 25, 2023 · 7 min · 1298 words · Christina Rayburn

10 Things You Cared About Growing Up 10 Years Ago But Don T Now

1. You cared about what people thought about you Ten years ago, when you were trying to fit in and find your place, you actually cared what people thought about you. Today, that couldn’t be more wrong. Within the last 10 years you have learned what makes you tick, what you’re good at, what you love, what you hate- you just know who you are. If someone doesn’t like it too bad....

January 25, 2023 · 8 min · 1704 words · Ronald Lewis

10 Things You Need To Tell Yourself To Be Highly Successful

From having goals to being flexible, here are 10 things you need to consider if you want to become highly successful. 1. They don’t make excuses for themselves. Almost everyone has dreams, but many people have excuses for why their dreams are impossible. Highly successful people don’t think this way; instead they focus on overcoming obstacles and being proactive. Ask yourself: What makes my dreams impossible? If I put in all 100% effort, would it still be unachievable?...

January 25, 2023 · 4 min · 789 words · Jerry Barney