10 Reasons Why Exercise Makes You Happier

1. Better Mood Within five minutes of cardiovascular exercise, you can feel happier! Once you get moving, your brain releases serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine as well as possibly others. These make you feel good! So, even if you don’t feel like doing anything, just going for a walk can make you happier! 2. Decreased Stress According to one online poll, only 14 percent of people use regular exercise to cope with stress....

January 26, 2023 · 4 min · 786 words · Geraldine Tatum

10 Reasons Why People Who Care Less About What Others Think Are More Likely To Be Successful

1. They have a firm resolve to reach their destination. Reaching their destination is more important than any current setback they may face. They understand that success takes grit, perseverance and patience. And that comes against obstacles, challenges and being self-motivated rather than riding on the tides of others’ opinions. —Oscar Wilde 2. They know people’s opinions are in a flux. We all are in a constant state of flux. According to philosophers and theorists, we are constantly changing....

January 26, 2023 · 3 min · 552 words · David Ward

10 Reasons Why You Should Grow Mint At Home And How To Do It

1. Digestion Mint is perfect for helping with indigestion. Mint leaves are packed with antioxidants and phytonutrients that are really good for your stomach. The smell of mint alone helps activate the salivary glands that produce digestive enzymes, enzymes that are crucial to digestion. They relax stomach muscles which reduces the chance of stomach spasms and indigestion. 2. Relieves headaches The refreshing aroma of mint is also a quick and effective remedy for nausea and headaches....

January 26, 2023 · 5 min · 860 words · Felix Williams

10 Signs Of A Doer And How To Be A Good One

1. You start work with clear objectives in mind. Good doers don’t just dive into a project without thinking. They rein in their enthusiasm long enough to formulate objectives and figure out a plan in order to succeed in whatever they’re set to do. Good doers give themselves enough time to think and plan. 2. You measure your own productivity. Good doers know how to measure their own productivity and revel in it....

January 26, 2023 · 3 min · 636 words · Robert Huang

10 Signs You Re Really Special

And as many of us, you probably are both very humble and incredibly special, but you still don’t know it. Just because you don’t save lives every day, you don’t have a huge self-confidence and you are not a doctor with five Masters and a PhD, it doesn’t mean that you’re not special. Being special could mean many things, like volunteering, helping your friends, listening to someone who feels alone, being a single mother or working all day long to pay the house mortgage....

January 26, 2023 · 4 min · 764 words · Monica Miller

10 Signs Your Managers Are Controllers But Not Leaders

1. They Use Fear To Achieve Their Goals A controlling boss or manager tends to use their role power (i.e. the power to fire or discipline employees) to achieve their goals. While power matters, effective leaders understand that it is a tool to be use sparingly. Instead, modern leaders influence their staff and persuade them. Tip: Learn how to leaders master the tools of influence by reading 6 Ways To Influence Others....

January 26, 2023 · 5 min · 890 words · Herbert Anglen

10 Simple Ways To Double Your Productivity

Being productive sounds daunting and downright preachy to many. It’s pushy. It’s guilt-ridden. I could give you an infinite amount of stories about how people who know they have no time left have accomplished so much with so little. But that’s not what you need to hear. It’s not hard to make incremental moves towards freeing up hours of your day—hours that turn into days and weeks that you can proudly say you earned....

January 26, 2023 · 6 min · 1205 words · Matthew Wronski

10 Skills That Are Hard To Learn But Can Hugely Benefit You In The Long Term

1. Time Management No matter how many ways you slice it, there will only ever be 24 hours in a day. When you learn time management, you learn to take control of your time, which improves your ability to focus. When your focus is increased, your efficiency is enhanced because you stop losing momentum. You’ll notice that you’ll move through tasks much quicker, making it seem like the workday is flying by....

January 26, 2023 · 6 min · 1141 words · Stephanie Hill

10 Small Things I Do Every Night To Improve My Life

1. Read Reading something beneficial before bed improves retention. Whether it is a quality book of fiction or non-fiction, I make sure I energize my brain and keep it fueled with a passion for learning. I want to get the best out of one of the most vital organs of my body, so I take reading before going to bed pretty seriously. By reading, I have become more informed and more alert the next day....

January 26, 2023 · 3 min · 586 words · Beatrice Wilson

10 Tech Tools That Can Help Save Up Your Time

1. Buffer Buffer is a superb social media time saver, allowing you to drip feed posts across your networks which are shared throughout the day. Buffer also provides some content suggestions for you daily, making sharing and re-airing a cinch. 2. IFTTT IFTTT makes the internet work harder for you, with room for thousands of “recipe” combinations between existing apps based on various triggers. Use it to archive all your tweets to Google Docs or Evernote, to perform smart file research, to automatically update social media and much, much more....

January 26, 2023 · 3 min · 583 words · Brandon Jones

10 Things Help When Building Trust In A Relationship

Act with discretion. Keep secrets secret. Match words and deeds. Remember all the promises you make and set realistic expectations so you can meet all of your commitments. Highlight knowledge domain boundaries. If you don’t know something, be willing to admit your lack of knowledge. Make decisions fair and transparent. Always look at things objectively and from all sides of the matter. Hold people accountable for trustworthy behavior. If someone does well, let them know....

January 26, 2023 · 1 min · 110 words · Jamie Smith

10 Things Only Guitarists Would Understand

Similar to mastering any other art, learning the guitar (electric or acoustic) has its trials and tribulations. It isn’t pure expressionism all day long. Guitarists can come off as unreasonable from time to time. However, being that I consider myself to be one of them, I have a closer insight into the problems they can run into. Here are the some things all guitarists can relate to. 1. You understand pain is part of success Most people who have never taken a serious shot at learning to play the guitar are not aware how painful the process can be....

January 26, 2023 · 6 min · 1117 words · Theresa Lambrecht

10 Things Only People Who Are Born To Travel Will Understand

The correct name for the gene is DRD4-7R, but I like to think that the letter D stands for ‘destinations,’ and lots of them. Read on to discover if you have this gene and were in fact born to travel. Even if you can’t seem to relate to everything, read on and dream from your comfortable couch, and maybe you will become inspired. 1. You’ve always been crazy about maps....

January 26, 2023 · 6 min · 1136 words · Diane Alsberry

10 Things Parents Can Do To Make Their Kids Highly Successful

1. Teach respect Parents should instil a sense of respect in their children. Not just respect for all human beings and living things (although this is obviously important), but respect for everything in the world. Parents should show their children the value of respect as well; you earn respect by giving it out unconditionally. Teaching children to respect all aspects of life leads them to appreciate everything they have, and to learn the value of working to earn more....

January 26, 2023 · 6 min · 1219 words · Margaret Allen

10 Things Parents Should Never Tell Their Daughters

1. You’re a little young for that Young girls never lack responsibility. It’s not a gender myth that they are more meditative and ruminative then boys. Every child dreams and fantasises, but girls actually plan their future from a very early age. If you ask a kid what it would like to be when they grow up, a boy will tell you “an astronaut” or “a magician”, but a girl’s answer will be different....

January 26, 2023 · 10 min · 2047 words · Ryan Deangelis

10 Tips For Talking To Your Teen About Heroin

Whether you found a heroin kit in your child’s bedroom or you recognized the physical and behavioral symptoms, it’s time to have a serious talk. But how do you approach your teen without getting a door slammed in your face? 1. Create A Defensive-Free Zone Threats or rants will get you tuned out in the blink of an eye. Choose a time when you’re not stressed or rushed, and if your teen is open to the idea, consider spending some quality time watching a movie or eating out....

January 26, 2023 · 4 min · 755 words · Jan Asuncion

10 Ways To Build A Successful Business

1. It’s About People The path to business success is built on personal relationships. If you think the most valuable aspect of school is the information or training, you may have missed many opportunities already. Look around when you’re around colleagues and form meaningful relationships. Take your colleagues out to lunch and dinner. The sooner you form these relationships, the more they can grow. Professional relationships will support you in down times and create opportunities that can make the difference between average and great success....

January 26, 2023 · 7 min · 1413 words · Ashley Treat

10 Ways To Embrace The Energy Of Words For A More Positive Thought Process

Words Have Power and Energy Since words have a power of their own, they can effect the way we think, feel and perceive thoughts and ideas. So that distinct feeling inside of you, when you walked into that room came from the intensity and reaction of the conversation. It made you aware that, of what they were saying, involved you and possibly in a negative light, whether it was true or made up gossip....

January 26, 2023 · 3 min · 436 words · Aline Phillips

10 Ways To Have A Good Day At Work

Start Your Day Strong: Preparation 1. Get Your Stuff Ready the Night Before. It takes longer to get ready in the morning (i.e., when you’re still half-asleep) than it does to prepare the night before (i.e., when you might be sleepy but haven’t yet reached Zombie mode). Does it take you a bit to decide what to wear? If so, get the next day’s outfit ready as part of your bedtime ritual....

January 26, 2023 · 5 min · 937 words · April Clayton

10 Ways To Ignore The Naysayers And Achieve Your Dreams

1. Clearly Define the Dream The more clearly you can articulate what you want, the better you’ll stick to it in the face of resistance. Get down to specifics. What does the dream specifically look like? How will you know when you have achieved it? Define this! 2. Understand Why You’re Doing It Why does this dream matter? There is no right answer to this question. The important thing is just that you can answer it, and that your answer excites you and moves you to action....

January 26, 2023 · 3 min · 553 words · Dorothy Villela