1. They know the power of networking.

Teaming up with other smart people is a key to their success. They attract, seek out and network with people who will add to their brand, knowledge and lifestyle. The success of World Domination Summit, founded by Chris Guillebeau and held every July in Portland, Oregon, highlights how important networking is. Each year up to 3,000 people gather to create new and meaningful connections.

2. They aren’t afraid to ask for help.

A successful person knows that there is always someone more knowledgeable or with a different perspective they can go to for help. They check their egos at the door and aren’t afraid to ask. Richard Branson, founder of the Virgin Group, is quoted as saying:

3. They schedule and take downtime.

A Harvard Business Review blog a few years ago stated how hard it was for workers to take downtime. Research showed that to be more productive you must take regular downtime. Even brief periods of downtime, like an afternoon nap, can make a big difference to your focus and energy. One of the most famous people in world history, Winston Churchill, protected his nap time and is quoted as saying: Taking a break with a nap was so important to Churchill that he kept a bed in the Houses of Parliament!

4. They are always learning.

Supersmart people are avid book readers who never stop learning. They listen to podcasts, audiobooks or have a stack of physical books to read next to their bed. Derek Halpern of the hugely popular, 100,000+ readers, Social Triggers site is a voracious reader. He has stated that he reads at least a book a week and has been known to prepare for an interview by reading two books, nine academic papers and seventeen articles! Successful people know the power in educating their brain every day for new content. 

5. They regularly practice gratitude.

One thing that has had the biggest impact on people’s lives is realizing how powerful gratitude is and the importance of giving thanks. Oprah Winfrey told us this in the top 20 things she knows for sure. She quoted Meister Eckhart, “If the only prayer you ever say is thank you, that will be enough.” Oprah tells us to: Schedule time into your day to be grateful.

6. They know when to pivot.

Do you quit or make a shift? Successful people are not afraid to make the tough decisions. Recently Danielle LaPorte, author of The Fire Starter Sessions and The Desire Map, shared the decision she made when she decided not to start a print magazine. She knew that continuing on with her dream would affect her focus and what was essential to how she runs her successful business. Knowing when to start, stop or deviate is key to being one of the supersmart people. 

7. They do their homework.

People often say they listened to their gut, but to reduce guessing before making a big decision supersmart people do their homework. They read, research, ask for advice and get really clear on what they need to know before they make a decision.   Remember these seven ways to be supersmart. Start implementing them into your life and before you know it you will one of these supersmart people too!