1. You’ll be less stressed

Having a cat reduces the amount of stress in your life. They undoubtedly make you feel better for a variety of reasons, such as companionship, caring for them, having something soft and fuzzy to cuddle, and even the relaxing motion of petting them. Just watching and interacting with your cat every day will make you a happier person, and way less stressed. Also, because cats are more independent, lower maintenance, and easier to care for than dogs and other pets, they still offer all of the benefits of being a pet owner without adding the stress and anxiety that’s accompanied with caring for them.

2. You’ll have improved cardiovascular health

A study in 2008 at the University of Minnesota’s Stroke Institute claimed that cat owners are 30% less likely to die from a heart attack compared to participants without cats. Then, in 2009, a similar study showed that having a cat is linked to a decreased risk of death from all cardiovascular diseases. Part of this is because cats do reduce your stress and anxiety levels. Petting a cat is a very relaxing activity and has a calming effect on humans.

3. You’ll be less lonely

Any pet owner will say that having a pet helps them feel less lonely. Their love and companionship is sometimes all it takes at the end of a hard day to feel better. Having a cat can fulfil your social needs just as well as hanging out with your human friends can, according to a study done at Miami University and Saint Louis University. Despite the stereotype that dogs are more affectionate, cats often show their owners much love and affection. The friendlier you are to your cat, the friendlier your cat will be to you.

4. You’ll be less depressed

The Mental Health Foundation collaborated with Cats Protection in 2011 and completed a study that surveyed 600 people, half of whom described themselves as having a mental health problem. The results from their study showed that 87 per cent of cat owners felt that their animals had a positive impact on their wellbeing, and 76 per cent found that coping with everyday life was easier because of their pets. Many people who suffer from depression often say they find it easier to cope when they have a cat. This is because having a cat offers an uncomplicated love and friendship, caring for them offers a sense of responsibility and helps build routine, and it increases your physical activity through play.

5. You’ll heal faster

Purr vibrations help heal infection and swelling, as well as muscles, tendons and ligament injuries, and even promote bone strengthening. This is because cats purr vibrations range from 20 to 140 Hertz, which is apparently medically helpful for a variety of illnesses and injuries, according to Scientific American. This helpful purring is just another reason to cuddle with your kitty, as if you needed one.

6. You’ll laugh more

Sometimes, cats are just plain hilarious! Their silly antics will have you laughing hysterically on a daily basis. In fact, a study done at California’s Loma Linda University found that watching 20 minutes of funny videos, including funny cat videos, is good for your health, too. Another study by Indiana University Bloomington found that watching cat videos online leaves the viewer feeling more positive and less stressed. It can only be assumed that seeing those funny moments in person are just as good for you!

7. You’ll feel complete

Almost all cat owners can agree that they feel their family wasn’t quite complete until they got a cat. Once your furry friend enters your home and your heart, your family will feel much more complete. Featured photo credit: Jans Canon via flickr.com