But there are also many people who successfully transformed their bodies and they all have a few things in common. Here are 6 successful habits of people who lost weight:

1. They Set Realistic Goals

While losing 25 lbs. in one month might sound amazing, it is simply not a realistic and healthy goal. In any area of life, including fitness, successful people will always set SMART goals. That means a goal that is Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Time-bound. For your weight loss journey you can start by having the goal of losing 4 lbs. each month. It may not sound like a lot, but it is definitely a SMART goal that can be easily achieved by any person, no matter their age and previous experience in fitness. The numbers will differ from one person to another, and many people (especially obese people) will lose much more than 4 lbs. in the first month.

2. They Measure Everything

Successful people keep track of their progress and carefully measure different aspects over time. They do not just settle with measuring their weight, they also measure the percentage of body fat and muscle mass, the diameter of different body parts, and they also take before and after photos.

3. They Have Patience

Patience is one of the key elements when it comes to losing weight. A successful person will have patience and will keep on going no matter what. Like everyone else they also have moments of disappointment, but they continue the journey and don’t stop until they reach their goal.

4. They Don’t Feel Guilty

No matter how strong you are mentally, your body will not enjoy the caloric deficit and will crave for any kind of food, especially high-caloric junk foods. Not to mention all the temptations that are around and all the people who will try to sabotage you. It may happen that you will have a slip once in a while, but successful people will know that it’s not the end of the world and that they can easily fix this in the next few days. They don’t feel guilty about a pizza or a cake they had on a special occasion, and they keep on sticking to their diet 90% of the time. Actually, it’s even recommended to have a cheat day once in a while to keep your metabolism revving. As long as you eat clean most of the time, don’t feel guilty about the occasional slip-ups.

5. They Feel Proud and Confident

No matter what everyone around them tells them, successful people are proud of their progress so far and confident that they can reach their goal and the body they have always desired. Even if Mom says that you look just fine and you don’t need to lose any more weight, keep on going and stick to the original plan. Be proud of how far you’ve come and don’t hesitate to share your achievement with everyone around you.

6. They Help Others

Someone who is proud of their weight loss journey will gladly help others and offer them information and support. They won’t hesitate to share their diet or their workout plan and they will try to take as many people as possible along in their journey to a fit body and a healthy life. Even if they get a lot of turn-downs, they will still continue to preach their new lifestyle and help others whenever they need it. Now that you know some of the successful habits of people who transformed their bodies, do you think you have what it takes to be one of them? Are there any other aspects that we missed? Share your opinions with us in the comments area below!