When your home is properly maintained, you prevent bacteria from festering within cracks or in the foundation. Planning out a strategy to do these essentials on a bi-annual basis will ensure safety, hygiene and the prevention of deterioration to your home. You can do the work yourself or get professionals that know the ins and outs of keeping your home maintained. For instance, the co-owner of a large cleaning company in Austin, TX stated recently “keeping your home clean can preserve the retail value of your appliances.” There are other service providers that specifically do exterior painting to prevent deterioration and clean gutters to prevent mold growth. Think of the maintenance of your home as the best investment you can make, ensuring minor problems are fixed so major issues don’t occur.

1. A Fresh Coat of Paint on the Exterior

For maximum curb appeal and protection of the exterior walls of your home, add a fresh coat of paint to the outside. You can change the whole look of your home by choosing the right tone and color. What was once dull can be transformed to a welcoming, warm home front. If you plan on selling your home, a fresh coat of paint on the outside of your house will add value and create more interest. Even if your home is aging, a new paint job will make it look much newer than it is. You also preserve your home because you protect the exterior walls from retaining water. When your exterior retains water, it can cause unhealthy molds to form.

2. Maintain Kitchen Appliances

For optimum performance of your kitchen appliances, it’s important to clean and maintain them every two months. This includes cleaning of refrigerator coils and changing the vent filter. Keeping drains free of build up is as simple as mixing vinegar, baking soda and hot water together and pouring down your drains. Some of the other projects might be a bit more challenging and if your time is limited, you may want to consider deep cleaning services. Maid services that offer a deep clean have trained cleaners that can maintain appliances effectively.

3. Protect Your Foundation

Did you know that planting anything within 8 inches of your home outside is asking for rot? The plants and soil will perpetuate constant moisture which will lead to serious rot within the foundation. A rotting foundation will wreak havoc on the health of your home and your family. It can crack or leak, allowing moisture into your home. On top of that, drywall can be affected and crack while windows and door stick to the frames. This creates gaps in your home that allow cold air in which is going to cost you in heating. To avoid this type of damage, prune bushes and shrubs that are close to your home. Another way to preserve your home is to not allow the soil around your house to dry out completely as it can shrink. When the next bout of rain comes, the soil then expands which puts considerable stress on your foundation. When you’re experiencing a long dry spell, occasionally run a soaker hose around the house to keep the soil from contracting.

4. Safety Stuff

To preserve your home and keep it safe for all that live in it, it’s important to regularly check your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors. A good rule of thumb for remembering to check is to do so when you change the clocks back and forward. Make sure to have your chimneys swept bi-annually, which is a service that might be best left to professionals. Air vent systems and kitchen vents should be thoroughly cleaned and when possible, you can vacuum vents. You’ll be preventing disaster like fires, carbon monoxide poisoning and maintaining a clean air environment within the home.

5. Keep Gutters Clean

Keeping your gutters clean is essential for the health of your home and your roof. Having to replace a roof before it’s expiry date is a huge financial loss and it’s simple to protect it. The ideal time to clean the gutters and clear your drains are in August, before the autumn as you need to make space for the falling leaves and debris from the windy season. You may want to have professionals do this work as they will also investigate the flashing which is the material that seals your chimney and joints to avoid leaking. If you’re feeling confident however, get up on the roof and power wash your gutters, drains and flashing.

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