#1. Healthy Eating

Change your diet. It’s one of the best things you can do to ditch acne. Throw away grains, processed food, processed oils, and sugars. All of these have an alarmingly high rate of being extremely inflammatory to the gut. Removing them from your diet will give you an idea which foods are causing your acne to breakout. After this step, you can start incorporating these foods back into the picture. Do it slowly so you can thoroughly observe what will happen. As you go through this, be patient. This step will reveal which one of them is the culprit. But ultimately, taking out processed junk all together is the the best move. Try it out and you’ll be gladly surprised.

#2. Lemon Juice

Dip cotton in lemon juice and gently rub it on your face. This will dry up your pores and will soothe the redness on the areas with acne. You can also use lemon juice by mixing it with warm water and drink it upon waking up. Lemon is an effective anti-inflammatory agent and will flush toxins out from your body, particularly from the kidneys and liver.

#3. Raw Honey

Purchase genuine honey. Check the label; it should say unpasteurized or raw. Better yet, use Manuka honey which has anti-viral and anti-fungal properties. Mix 2 tablespoon of honey with a little water to make it pliable. Apply it on the affected area, using it like massage cream. Honey is a good skin moisturizer–especially ideal for people with sensitive skin. Leave the mixture on the face around 12 minutes.

#4. Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is one of nature’s great anti-fungal. We’re referring particularly to the clear and sticky gel flesh of an Aloe plant. Get an aloe leaf, cut it in half to scoop out the gel and apply it directly onto the skin that’s affected.

#5 Tea Tree Oil

You think it’s only for full body massages? Nope. It’s also been proven many times, Tea Tree oil is more potent than most oils available so it’s highly recommended for curing acne. Apply it on the skin affected using a cotton bud soaked in Tea Tree oil. Original Source: 5 Natural Ways to Get Rid of Acne Once and For All by Merwin Davies via Eat Live Life Featured photo credit: Home Remedies On How To Get Rid Of Acne Fast/Skrasant via flickr.com