Here are 5 project management tools that will ensure your team stays on track:

1. Asana

Asana is a great, fast project management solution for teams and can even work for personal use. You can use tags, projects, due dates, assign tasks to coworkers, and comment on each task. One of my favorite things about Asana is how fast and responsive the web app is and how the use of the TAB key gives you some very useful ‘hot keys’ to make your task processing even faster. Check out Asana here.

2. Basecamp

Basecamp is sort of the “grandad” of all team project management apps online. With that comes task and project creation, discussions, due dates, tags, and more. Also, Basecamp SSL data encryption and daily data backups for all plans. Check out Basecamp here.

3. Orchestra

Orchestra gives you the ability to create tasks, create lists of tasks (sort of like projects), assign due dates (but no due times), share tasks with people and of course comment on each task. Using Orchestra is a treat and is pretty neat to see real time updating of tasks as you are working with others. Check out Orchestra here.

4. Flow

One of the prettiest project management tools around, Flow, helps you plan and execute projects with teammates. Flow lets you create tasks, comment on them, add tasks to lists, tag tasks, assign tasks to others, and even has a cool Flow Concierge service for lucky beta testers where you can assign “simple” tasks to a personal assistant. Amazing. Flow also has a great iPhone app that is updated regularly as well as a Mac companion app for easily adding tasks and viewing updates. Check out Flow here.

5. Google Docs

Google Docs is one of the best team project management tools because almost everyone that does anything on the web has a Google account. And with a free account, you get shared spreadsheets, documents, presentations, email, and storage (that is if you consider access to your information so you can be marketed to, free). I can’t even explain how many times I have used Google Docs in a project setting whether it be for school or work. Even with all of its small bugs that I have found from time to time, the time and energy that Google Docs has saved me and the many teams I have worked with is priceless. Check out Google Docs here. Featured photo credit: Kobu Agency via

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