The tropics are more within your grasp than you realize. If you’re a sun worshipper and crave hot, humid weather in the tropics, you can do it for less. In fact, you may have a better quality of life with money left over every month. The whole prospect may seem terrifying as you leap into a total change of all aspects of your life. Many people have taken the chance and have seen how easy it actually is to drop your mundane life. The good news is it doesn’t take much money to live in most tropical destinations either.

1. Sell Off Most of Your Things

Some may find this a hard pill to swallow but it’s actually a way to put a major intention into the endeavor of heading off to the tropics. There are a few things you’ll need to do that may be considered sacrifices but they won’t seem like that if your goal is to live life on a hammock. You get rid of the things you don’t need and make some money from it for your new adventure. It may be difficult at first but you’ll also be amazed at how good you feel. Emotional attachment to “stuff” is pretty draining. Most of the places I’ve traveled to have been fully furnished as a rule.

2. Start Networking Before You Go

The internet has made it possible to meet friends and network with people while you’re still at home. Most hot spots have their own Facebook page full of people who are already living in your dream destination. They offer valuable information such as how much the rent will be, who you can trust locally and money saving tricks to get there. You will have a welcome wagon waiting on your arrival and it’s likely you can get completely set up before you even arrive. You’ll start to get the feeling of what people are like which will alleviate your stress about the big move. All that’s left is pure excitement for your new adventure.

3. Be Willing to Live More Simply

In my own experience of living in the tropics, I found this to be a natural step. You don’t seem to need as much in order to feel truly happy when you live out your dreams. The point about moving to the tropics is you’re taking a huge step in your life that you’re doing because it’s a dream. This means you don’t need to buy the latest fashions or keep up with the Jones’ and get the latest gadgets or car. Many people who move abroad will attest to the fact that they didn’t need to compensate for happiness so living more simply was easy and even fulfilling.

4. Think Outside the Box

Your story doesn’t end when you finally make it to your warm destination of choice. If you need to make money, you don’t need to apply for a work visa and take a job in the tropics. Many of the destinations you’re considering pay really low wages (which is why you can afford to make a life there). There are thousands of articles out there that will tell you making online is a true career and it absolutely is. It doesn’t matter if you’ve never sold a thing online, once you start to look into what is available to you based on your expertise, passions, and lifestyle choices, you’ll see that the sky is the limit. The fact that you’re going against the grain to live in the tropics makes you someone’s inspiration. Featured photo credit: via