Some of us also want to contribute, connect, and make an impact. These needs propel people to live out their life purpose, which gives them the opportunity to experience a truly exceptional life. To be proficient at accomplishing these aspirations you need to have the right mindset. A way of thinking that promotes happiness, success, love, connectedness, contribution, and a lasting impression. Here are 18 things to tell yourself each day to influence your actions, so you can realize your ambitions and create the reality of your dreams.

1. I am surrounded by people who love and care for me.

When a person feels loved and supported, it frees them to be themselves and gives them the courage to explore and take chances.

2. I attract love through my own loving thoughts and actions.

Live in a love frequency by being a conduit of love. Everything you do — from work to play — can be inspired by the love held within you.

3. I am lovable.

You must believe that you are already that which you seek. You are love personified. Awaken to this truth.

4. I am everything I want to be. I am proud of how I conduct myself.

Claim success to be yours now by simply defining ‘success’ as you acting in accordance to your beliefs.

5. I am quick to fix my mistakes and own up to my responsibilities.

Don’t let mistakes define you. Instead fix them and show the world that you are a problem solver.

6. I achieve my goals with ease and see challenges as opportunities for growth.

Half the battle is won when you go into life knowing you’re going to figure it out.

7. I am the architect of my reality and I’ve decided to build myself a good life.

The greatest thing a person can do to increase their chance of being successful at anything is to know that it is through their own actions that they will bring forth success. You are the protagonist of your life movie. Be the person who saves the day.

8. I am free to do anything I want.

Sometimes our thoughts are our main limitation. Nullify that with better thoughts and get to frying bigger fish.

9. I am in charge of my feelings. I choose to react with compassion at all times.

A bad day can be turned around with a change in perspective, a little laughter, and some sugar.

10. I am healthier and feel more alive each day.

How you treat yourself is directly related to how you see yourself. See yourself as a healthy person then follow up by living a healthy lifestyle. Treat yourself to nutritious foods, physical fitness, and mindful wellness. Even if you’re not exactly where you want to be, begin by adjusting your belief system and you will be on your way.

11. I smile easily and love to laugh every chance I get.

A smile can decrease stress, a good laugh can lighten your mental load, and together they can turn your day around.

12. I live in joyous expectancy.

Expect to see good things happening to you. You deserve it.

13. I know all things are connected and wish my actions to only have good consequences for everyone.

When you value the people and environment around you, you feel a sense of belonging. This bonded feeling nourishes the inner peace that we all long for.

14. I treat others like I treat myself – with kindness and respect.

Compassion is at the heart of anyone who is happy with themselves.

15. I cherish my relationships.

An old Turkish proverb says, “Shared joy is double the joy. Shared sorrow is half the sorrow.” Without relationships life would get lonely and arduous. Don’t forget to enjoy the people around you.

16. I give back because it is my nature.

One of the greatest attributes of being human is our ability to show empathy. Our hearts feel strongly and when moved, we can create miracles.

17. I share because there is enough for everyone.

Don’t get caught up in competition, instead get connected and revel in collaboration. Lift each other up.

18. I live in a constant state of abundance.

Think about it — you can have all the money in the world, but if your mind is in a state of lack, depression, or any type of suffering, you don’t have much. Your positive mindset is your true wealth and you can increase your riches easily by repeating and believing these 18 thoughts daily. Featured photo credit: Paulo Brandão via