1. They don’t boast about their achievements

They are quite aware of their abilities and strengths, and are not boastful about them. They focus on being humble and sincere rather than impressing with their accolades.

2. They don’t need a lot of possessions to be happy

Genuine people don’t need to be validated based on what they own; they are comfortable with who they are. They know that they don’t need a lot of external things to be happy. Since happiness can be found from within, their work, and loved ones, they find happiness in the simple things life has to offer them.

3. They don’t display inconsistency

Since they are very much in touch with who they are, they are predictable. You always know what they will stand for or what their response will be if their character is being tested.

4. They don’t hold back from offering praise

They’ll never avoid giving compliments to those who deserve it. They don’t need to fake their praise, but will offer it from their hearts to those deserving of such recognition.

5. They don’t practice something they don’t preach

Any given advice is on a subject is something they would do if they were in the same situation. They don’t need to feel better than anyone else. If they can’t do something, they don’t suggest it.

6. They don’t rely on talk over actions

They understand that talk is cheap, so they are willing to let their actions do the talking. Evidence of doing trumps empty boasting.

7. They don’t pretend to understand what they do not know

Genuine people understand that they have so much to learn. If they don’t know something, instead of lying and claiming understanding, they prefer to learn it by listening and absorbing.

8. They don’t belittle others

They lead by example and have no superiority complex. Instead of belittling others they would rather try to make them better.

9. They don’t follow the pack

Rather than conforming, they carve their own paths. It is better to be original and follow their true passion rather than be a victim of the conventional approach or thoughts.

10. They don’t fake who they are

If they have made a mistake they would openly admit to it. They are not fake but transparent about their standards, principles and who they are. Rather than make you ask if they are hiding something, they are up front with you about their standards.

11. They don’t take themselves too seriously

They know that they are human and don’t need to build defensive walls of perfection around themselves to hide or minimize their weaknesses. They are able to admit to their failures and accept constructive criticism without allowing letting it damage their self-esteem.

12. They don’t seek attention

Rather than use their successes or accomplishments as a channel to seek attention, they are already filled with self-awareness and self confidence. They don’t have a hole to be filled from constant validation of their ego.

13. They don’t suppress their opinions, beliefs and thoughts

They are always glad to tell the world what they know. They have taken the time to ponder their opinions on life and carefully considered the knowledge that has taken them to where they are, so they are able to share their “authentic self” to the world.

14. They aren’t easily fooled by flatterers and liars

While others can be easily fooled, they are not. They know when others are full of it. Rather than looking at issues on the surface, they focus on reality and know when things don’t add up.

15. They don’t speak more than they listen

Genuine people don’t use bragging as a mask to hide their insecurity. They already have an opinion, yet they want to know what you think. Rather than speaking more than they listen, they ask open ended questions so as to let others share their thoughts. Featured photo credit: Portrait of cheerful beautiful fashionable woman in a hat and coat via shutterstock.com