The image projected by existing freelance writers is that of great relaxation, the choice of when or not to work, the freedom to work from the comfort of your bed if you choose to, the ability to stop working when you feel like and attend to personal matters. What you do not see is what happens behind the scenes, that which the freelancers will not share with you; the clients are really demanding, some with demands that don’t make reasonable sense. Furthermore, anyone who says it is easy getting a new project is not being very truthful. And it gets real when you finish all your ongoing projects. Information is power, and that who has it rules. It is a mushy and fierce battle ground in the scramble for clients. For you to be successful, you need to be open-minded and look at all available information in order to make the best of it. Don’t just focus on what pleases the eye and ears. If done well, it is a well-rewarding endeavor. Here, your reputation can either make you or break you. Really. Ratings from clients really matter. The use of social media is a great idea too. Such platforms as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and other social media are very useful not only because they enable you to build an online reputation, but also because they offer job opportunities for freelancers. A lot of freelancers today are becoming part of these giant sites, and those who were already subscribers to such are now making more use of them. There are lots of ways to elevate the productivity and boost your career as a freelance writer through Social Media Marketing. There are many social media platforms out there to make use of. Work hard to be noticed. Work hard to project an image of a professional freelance writer through all your social media accounts. Eventually, this would lead to getting potential employers who are willing to offer loads of money to excel in your life. It is, of course, a good thing to get and be associated with the big clients, but it is the smaller clients who matter in your initial growth. Besides, there are some freelance writing companies that extensively use Social Media for recruiting purposes. Amongst them are:

FreelancerCareers Funds for Writers AsiaWriters CrowdSource EssayWriters Writers.Ph TextBroker AbsoluteWrite GEISWriters

Now that you’re aware of the vital importance of maintaining a social media profile as a writer, let’s get to outlining the key strategies you can follow to get clients on different social media platforms.

1. Get recognized.

Be popular for the right reason. Your abilities are useless if not recognized. So, create and use your existing profiles on all popular social media platforms wisely. While everyone has different paths, getting recognized could mean being good at your craft by being creative. It could also mean commitment to your job. Getting recognized is also about being unwavering in your endeavor despite many shortcomings. Take care of the professional image on those profiles and post content which is outstanding. This would definitely attract many freelance-writers-seeking clients.

2. Expand your skillset.

Be a quick learner. Have interest in new skills. Clients will always ask for things that you have never done. To increase your chances for future hiring, learn the new skills. Remember, in any industry innovation is of utmost importance. It is not sufficient to have writing skills when dealing with online writing career. There is a requirement to learn about creating pages, marketing strategies, Search Engine Optimization guidelines, attracting the audience and so on which can make you the first preference to the client.

3. Establish a good reputation on Twitter.

People associate you with what they read from you. If you post philosophy, to them you are a philosopher. If you post medical information, you are a doctor. Be careful what you share. Ensure that with what you share, you will be remembered by the prospective clients for being the guy that is a Freelance Writer, knowledgeable at what he does. Take an example of Twitter. The speed at which Twitter users are growing is very impressive. It is a good place to reach out to potential clients and people who can help you out, such as bloggers, editors, and magazine owners and so on.

4. Pay attention to industry bigwigs via Twitter.

Once again, using Twitter as an example, you realize that a great number of Twitter Apps can help you in finding them. Just follow their profiles and impress them with your content. Getting your message across is much more challenging but with well-thought out content you’ll definitely get the recognition that you need.

Be keen to ride on the wave of what is trending on the day and take advantage by cleverly attaching your content to it. One of the most popular hashtags on Twitter to follow for writers are:

#Amwriting #WritingTip #AmEditing #CopyWriting #WriteChat #WriteMotivation #WritersLife #WriteGoal

Besides, there are regular twitter chats for writers which you can join

6. Do social media optimization for your LinkedIn profile.

Avoid clutter. You must maintain your profile in a way that it attracts all kinds of good clients. There is no need to describe yourself as a high-end writer as it would discourage prospective clients. Therefore, the job title should include different writing skill sets such as blogger, copywriter, content writer, freelancer, social media manager, etc. Add all these relevant skills to the profile so as to get clients to associate with your profile. There is no limit to the keywords in LinkedIn, so the more you include, the higher your chances of being found by clients.

7. Keep your LinkedIn profile up-to-date.

Updating your LinkedIn profile from time to time will give you an edge over other freelance writers looking for clients. Creating an account is not enough, as constant updates and mentioning about your successful ventures would create a massive impression. Update the profile regularly! When you complete new projects or gain new skills, make sure to brag about them. Endorse respectful editors and your potential employers, and get endorsed back in order to get a higher rating.

8. Be part of LinkedIn professional groups.

Widen your network by joining online communities. There are many groups in LinkedIn based on freelance careers and this could act as an encouraging foundation for your journey. Many out of these groups will provide good information about new job offers for freelance writers and link you to clients. Consider connecting to LIONS (LinkedIn Open Networkers) and monitor the latest announcements in the freelance writing communities. You can reach your prospective client on the following LinkedIn communities:

Freelance Writers Wanted Freelance Writing Jobs for all Levels of Experience Freelance Writers Inc. Writing and Writer Jobs Find a freelance journalist/writer

9. Keep in touch with your LinkedIn network.

Freelance writers who keep in touch remind prospective clients that you are there and they may be reminded about a project they have for you. When someone views your profile, send a message. It’s a great chance to connect. You won’t ask for a job at this point; just connect and offer your assistance and collaboration. Do not forget about endorsements and recommendations section, by endorsing your new connections in a field of their expertise.

10. Build your representation on Facebook.

In addition to your Facebook account, create your own page that presents you as a professional freelance writer and add your professional expertise in order to get clients. Join relevant Facebook groups, where freelance writing jobs are updated regularly:

Freelance Writers Content Writers Technical Writers Online writing jobsTechnical Writers Content Writing Jobs

Ensure you analyze the pages of different businesses. When you notice that some of them are potential clients or need your services, propose to offer your services to them.

12. Research the company activity on Quora

Search the company to find out what they do and how you can help them achieve their goals. What they are looking for is dedicated problem solvers. This means knowing what they stand for and how they market themselves. Tap into those resources on Quora. Maybe you’ll get answers from previous or even current employees.

13. Try out Quora Networking

You can’t do enough networking. Invite all your acquaintances from every venue to join you on Quora. Seek out email addresses and phone numbers of companies you want to work for and let them know how interested you are. Post a question like “How did you get a job in marketing”, then follow the tags. Submit answers or questions to people in your area of expertise and keep the communications open. Reach out to find people who share your passions. Personal or professional marketing is another way to gain a second look. Your individual talents are just as much a part of your character as your work experience. If you are an avid reader then refer the best books, if you love golf include that in your Quora conversations and questions.

14. Maintain your presence

Stay active, check the boards you follow daily and offer accurate input whenever you can. Keep the conversations stimulating but not argumentative. Remember, for all you know the person on the other computer is considering you for a position in his company. Proper etiquette and professionalism will go a long way. Keep tabs on every company site you would work for, check the jobs posted every other day so you can jump on the first opportunity.

15. Overcome your fears by questioning

What are you afraid of? Is it the interview? Don’t you hate those general questions that appear to delve into your psyche? Like this one. Why should we hire you or what are your personal strengths? You always leave knowing you answered those incorrectly and they saw some dark part of your soul you didn’t know existed. Well, Quora opens the avenue to pick the brains of those holding the key to your success. Start a dialog about hiring people. Determine what will be asked and what answers are acceptable. Most of the freelance writers’ jobs are done online. That means, even clients looking for freelance writers and posting jobs do it all online. Then it goes without saying that you should make the best of your time online if you are looking for where and how to get freelance writing clients, considering the face that the hiring process is done online. The above suggestions don’t turn your investment into a cash-cow instantly, but when done properly, it is a great and effective way for freelance writers looking to get clients online to get successful.

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