1. They don’t expect life to be perfect.

Your outlook determines your happiness more than your situation. Don’t get upset when you have a bad day. They provide the context you need to appreciate the good ones.

2. They don’t stay in relationships that aren’t meant to be.

Your social environment makes a big impact on your mood. Don’t stay in relationships with people who bully you. Good friends will challenge you to be better, but without condemning or criticizing you.

3. They don’t believe in time travel.

Your past cannot control you. Don’t waste time regretting things you would have done differently last week/month/year. Concentrate on what you can do to make things better today.

4. They don’t obsess with things they can’t fix.

Your present focus determines your future success. Don’t let yourself get miserable over a problem you cannot solve. Direct your attention to the issues you can address and forget the rest.

5. They don’t give up their power.

Your self-confidence affects your ability to act. Don’t view yourself as a damsel in distress or helpless victim who needs to be saved. You are responsible for your outcome.

6. They don’t pursue comfort.

Your fear of the unknown could be making you complacent. Don’t chase “quick” or “easy” fixes to problems that require complex solutions. The thing you are afraid to do is often the thing you need to do.

7. They don’t make themselves feel small.

Your thoughts should encourage you to put forth effort. Don’t insult yourself with words like fat, lazy, ugly, or unworthy. Empower yourself with affirmations that make you feel confident.

8. They don’t make comparisons.

Your transformation will take as long as it needs to take. Don’t draw comparisons. No one can promise you will lose 10 lbs in a week, meet your soul-mate in 100 days, or make $1,000 in your first month of business.

9. They don’t live in the past.

Your mind should be focused on the present moment. Don’t let past mistakes turn into a fear of failure that cripples your ability to act. Find the moral of the story, make any fixes you can, and forget about it.

10. They don’t neglect their personal health.

Your body is like a car; if you don’t take care of it now, you might end up paying for it later. Don’t claim to be “too busy” to exercise and eat healthy. Movement and nourishment should be priorities for every person.

11. They don’t worry about everything.

Your worries only exist in your imagination. Don’t create mental monsters out of little concerns. To increase perspective, ask yourself, “Will this still seem like a big deal next month?”

12. They don’t treat life like a race.

Your patience muscles need to be trained every day. Don’t forget to pause and reflect. Consciously appreciate the little things that excite you, no matter how silly!

13. They don’t let other people’s opinions dictate their decisions.

Your opinion is the only one that counts. Don’t refuse feedback that might help you, but also accept that not everyone will understand you. You are the only person with the power to choose your destiny. Nobody is perfect! Don’t be afraid to tell us what you struggle with in the comments. I’m working on #12. Splitting big projects into baby steps seems to help. Click share if you want to help your friends love life, too! :) Featured photo credit: Love, love/Serena via flickr.com