1. Clean the Wound

If the wound is a superficial one, the first thing you need to do is clean the wound and the area around it. Clean it with running water and a very mild soap, followed by rubbing alcohol or hydrogen peroxide to make sure that there is no risk of infection.

2. Stop the Bleeding

Wrap a clean towel around the area that was bitten, and use pressure to help stop the bleeding. If the bite is small, the bleeding will likely stop quickly, and clotting will begin to close up the wound so it can begin healing.

3. Cover the Wound

It is also important to make sure that once you have cleaned the wound you also cover it. Use a clean, sterile bandage to keep the wound covered. If you do not have sterile bandages, you can substitute a clean, white t-shirt or a clean towel for a bandage until you can get to the pharmacy to get one.

4. Keep the Injured Area Elevated

If possible, keep the part of the body that has been bitten elevated to help reduce pain and swelling around the injured area. Applying ice to the wound will also help.

5. Use Lemon Juice

You can also put lemon juice on a dog bite to help keep it from becoming infected. Lemon juice works because it is high in vitamin C, which aids in treating dog bites and other injuries, and can help to fight delayed infections.

6. Use Black Pepper

You can make a black pepper paste or salve easily with ingredients you already have in your kitchen. Soak about 20 black peppercorns, and make them into a paste. You can also add cumin seeds to make it even more effective. Applying this paste will help reduce the risk of infection from a dog bite.

7. Eat Bananas

While this may sound strange, it will help to heal a wound, including a dog bite. Bananas contain loads of vitamin B complex, which helps our bodies create antibodies that will help treat infections resulting from dog bites.

8. Use Garlic Paste

Another paste you can make from common kitchen ingredients to treat dog bites is a garlic paste. Simply grind fresh garlic into a paste, and apply to the affected area three times daily to treat dog bites and other wounds. (However be cautious if you have sensitive skin.)

9. Use Antibiotic Ointment

Once you have been bitten by a dog, you need to make sure that it is going to heal properly without becoming infected. One way to do this is to make sure that you are applying an antibiotic ointment to the wound daily.

10. See a Doctor

If the wound is serious, it may require stitches. Never be too careful when it comes to a dog bite. If it looks bad, get it looked at by a medical professional. It may be that they will have to clean it out and put a few stitches in, and possibly repair any damages caused by the bite. If you want to learn more about preventing and treating dog bites, here are some references to check out:

Wound Care: First Aid Care Guide Rules Every Kid Should Know to Avoid Dog Bites Ways to Avoid a Dog Bite Dog Bite Treatment: Antibiotics, Vaccines And Plants

Featured photo credit: Justin Veenema via unsplash.com